How does the Knightshade® nicotine recovery service work?
Our Knightshade® process is very easy to set-up and use at your facilities.
- You can order online one or more nicotine-containing product collection containers, each including a liner and zip tie (the Knightshade kit), for collection of expired, returned, damaged or recalled nicotine-containing products
- Personnel will fill the collection container with allowable nicotine-containing products for recycling
- When a container is full, use the tie to close off the liner and tightly close bucket lid until it clicks
- The Knightshade container requires an LTL pickup. Please contact the g2 Customer Service team at to schedule the pickup
- When Knightshade receives a container back for recycling, it will be weighed and have data taken to create your certificate of recycling
- The nicotine-containing product will be de-packaged and disassembled in preparation for nicotine reclamation
- Usable nicotine will be recovered and marketed for use in manufacturing new smoking cessation products
- Batteries will go to battery recycling and any electronic components such as chargers or USBs will go to electronic recycling. Packaging will also be recycled